Golf Genius Q & A

Golf Genius Scoring Q & A (with thanks to LWGA)

Why are we using Golf Genius? Golf Genius is fun to use and very user friendly. It is a wonderful tool for pairings, games and scoring for golfers. It helps to eliminate time spent before and after play by volunteers. It automatically calculates your team’s gross and net scores for you.

Is there an app for my phone? Yes. Download the app – the icon is orange with a white tee and golf ball. It’s free in the App Store for Apple phones and tablets or Google play for Android phones and tablets.

What do I have to do when I arrive at the course? The Captain of your group should pick up a paper scorecard and keep score the traditional way. Another person should keep score using Golf Genius. Just enter the GGID on the app to get going. The Golf Genius ID code is printed on your scorecard. You do NOT enter your email or use a personal login.

How do I enter the scores for my group? Simply put in the actual gross scores as you would on a paper scorecard. After all scores are in for that hole, press Save Scores and Golf Genius automatically moves on to the next hole. Remember to save after each hole. To correct a score, click “Clear” and re-enter the correct score. To return to a previous hole, click on the arrows to the left or right of the current hole number.

Do I have to figure Net score for the game we are playing? No, that’s the genius of it. Your net score will be figured as you go along, using the game being played.

GHIN - After play, each player MUST enter their own score into GHIN. Golf Genius is smart, but does not interact with GHIN. If you do not use the GHIN app, go to the Clubhouse computer and enter your score.

X Score If you do not complete a hole, enter an X to avoid any scoring issues in the game that week. Technically, a net double bogey could count as a score for a team or towards a result that, were that team to win a prize, would be deemed a disqualification because that hole was not finished. When entering into GHIN, yes, net double bogey towards your handicap score is the correct procedure.

What do we do when we are finished playing? Reconcile your Golf Genius score with the paper scorecard. If there is an error, go back to the hole in question and correct it on Golf Genius.

What do we do with Golf Genius when we are finished? Do I need to “send” it somewhere? Again, the ‘genius’ will take care of that for you. Your score is now in the system and can be accessed. There is no “ENTER” button.

Do I need to do something with the paper scorecard? Yes turn it in to the Scoring Coordinator. Example: Let’s say you were a foursome to start, but one of your players dropped out. If no one is added to your group, please keep the score on Golf Genius for the three of you and leave the line blank for the other person. If someone was added to your group, her name should be added to the paper scorecard. You can only keep Golf Genius for three players and need the paper scorecard to keep the score for all four. The paper scorecard will be different than Golf Genius and the scorecard needs to be turned in for scoring.

What about the scores on the paper scorecard? Please turn in your scorecard to the Scoring Coordinator at the end of play. Most weeks we have several people add or drop before play so the names on the scorecards don’t all match Golf Genius. Also if there is any question about Golf Genius scores, the paper scorecard is the deciding factor.

Where can I see how our group did? Golf Genius has a Leaderboard that you can access at any time – even while you are playing. Click on the menu bar in the upper left corner. Take a look after play and the winners will be listed. Of course, there may be some changes if Golf Genius was not used and emailed scores need to be reflected in the calculation of results. The final standings are always posted on the L9 website.

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